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Initial Assessment Form
Days needed
Caregiver Preference:
Food Allergies
Client living alone?
Medical History
Does the client have a history of falls?
Does the client have any wound or sores?
Does the client have any bruising?
Does the client have any swelling or redness?
Can the client walk?
Is lifting required?
Does the client uses any of the following?
Does the client have regular bowel movement?
Does the client have/uses:
Does the client need assistance in feeding?
Does the client need assistance meal preparation??
Does the client need assistance in light housekeeping?
Can the client stand up?
Medical equipment/s client uses
Does the client able to tell when to pee?
Cognitive Ability:
Does the client have a history to strike out?
Does the client need assistance in bathing?
Does the client need assistance in laundry?
Are there any pets in the house?
How would you like us to contact you?

Thanks for submitting!

Covid-19 advisory:

  • Visitors should not visit their loved ones if they or anyone in their household feels sick or has been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days or to someone who is waiting for COVID-19 test results.

  • Please help us protect your loved ones by taking steps to avoid infection while outside of the facility. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands. 

2021 © ALLWISE Care Companion, Inc. DBA,

ALLWISE Residential Home, ALLWISE Residential Home II

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